Be Still?

We’ve all heard the verse from Psalm 46, “Be still and know that I am God”. This is a verse I tend to keep in my pocket and pull out when I’m facing life’s trials and challenges. To be honest, I struggle with the “be still” part. 

When life hits me with challenges, when Satan is throwing his best at me, I want to do anything but be still. I want to do, I want to fix. Sometimes, though, the best solution is to just be still. 

God’s plan is bigger and better than any plan we could come up with. He knows the best way to combat Satan’s plan of attack – which often times means being still. I think that it is often at those times of stillness when we hear God the loudest. It is then that our “plan of attack” against Satan becomes clear. 

How do we clear out the noise? I wish I had an answer to that. I struggle to clear the noise so I can clearly hear God’s voice. I’m open to suggestions. Right now, there is so much noise that I am up until 3:30 am trying to clear the noise so I can hear God. Stillness is a struggle.